Symptoms Are Information

Symptoms are information.

It’s your body’s way of saying “hey!!! Something is up in here.” It’s kind of amazing when you think about it. The body has all kinds of ways to communicate with us when things are wrong.

Our muscles get tense when we’re too overwhelmed.

Our stomachs churn when we’re anxious.

Our hearts beat fast when we’re scared.

Sometimes they send us mixed signals and we have zero idea what it means. It’s confusing and overwhelming and painful. But damn do they force us to wake up and pay attention.

How to Listen to Your Body

You can start observing what is happening in your body by taking a moment to see how your body feels. Do you notice tension in any specific areas? Are your muscles loose or rigid?

Scan doesn’t your entire body starting at the top of your head. Don’t judge or react, just take in how you are feeling.

Creating awareness of what is happening in the body is one of the first steps to emotional freedom.

Listen to the body when it talks. It’s trying to tell you something. And the more you listen, the more you’ll understand. If you’re interested in exploring therapy through a mind-body approach, check out Whitney’s services.

Whitney Goodman