How To Find An Art Therapist in Miami and Online

Art therapy is a type of mental health treatment that uses creative expression. It’s really cool, interesting, and dynamic. Art therapy is also perfect for someone that feels bogged down by talking and intellectualizing. If you’ve tried talk therapy with little to no success, or a lot of frustration, art therapy might be the best thing for you.

Miami, FL Art Therapist and Online Art Therapy

Miami, FL Art Therapist and Online Art Therapy

The Benefits of Art Therapy

Art therapy has been shown to help people to resolve conflicts and problems, develop communication skills, manage behavior, reduce stress, increase self-esteem and self-awareness, and improve insight. It’s also an excellent creative outlet and way to regulate the nervous system for trauma survivors and people who have difficulty regulating their emotions.

When To Use Art Therapy

Art therapy is used often with children, adolescents, adults, older adults, groups and families for issues like:

  • Anxiety, depression and other mental/emotional problems

  • Mental illness

  • Substance abuse and other addictions

  • Family and relationship issues

  • Abuse and domestic violence

  • Social/emotional difficulties related to disability or illness

  • Personal trauma, post-traumatic stress disorder and loss

  • Physical, cognitive and neurological problems

  • Psychosocial difficulties related to medical illness

Find An Art Therapist

Art therapists are credentialed professionals that are qualified and trained to provide art therapy. Your potential art therapist may also be part of a comprehensive health team at a clinic, hospital, or other types of settings.

If you’re looking for an art therapist in Miami, FL or online in New York or Florida, we’ve got you covered! Please fill out the form below to be matched with the best art therapist for you.

Whitney Goodman