"I turned out fine" and other lies we tell ourselves

“My parents hit me and I turned out fine.”
“I got yelled at every day, turned out fine.”
“I didn’t get my feelings validated and look at me, I turned out fine!”

I hear these types of statements all the time.

Here are my thoughts.

If your parents didn't validate your emotions and you "turned out fine." It's also ok to wish they would have supported you more.

if your parents didn't validate your emotions, you can "turn out fine" and also not want to do the same thing to your own children.

You can believe you turned out fine and still process your childhood. This doesn't mean you're abandoning your parents or telling them they were terrible.

You can believe you turned out fine and still want a different life for your own children.

Just Because “you turned out fine” after something difficult, it doesn’t mean someone else will. We all have very different definitions of “fine.”

Is "turning out fine" really all we expect from our upbringing now?

We're allowed to ask for more than just "turning out fine" from our parents and the world.

turning out fine can mean that you are able to navigate the world and there are still areas where you wish you had more support and areas where you would like to grow.

You can believe you turned out fine and still look at the different ways you can grow, evolve, and change.

Asking for more than just "fine" isn't asking for too much.


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As always, thank you so much for reading. I am so grateful for each and every one of you! See you here next week.

PS. If there’s something you’d like me to write about, send me an email. I’d love to hear from you.


Whitney Goodman