Do You Know How To Manage Your Emotions?: The Emotions 101 Course is Launching April 9, 2021

Do you feel overwhelmed by your emotions? You’re not alone.

We don’t come out of the womb knowing how to regulate, express, or talk about our feelings.

This means there are so many adults walking around the world being controlled by their emotions. Maybe you’re one of them. I know I was.

We should probably learn how to manage our emotions at home or in school, but I seem to have missed that Emotions 101 class in my 20+ years of schooling…

If we can’t rely on our teachers or parents to teach us about emotions, where do we go?

This course is the answer to all the questions you have about your emotions. It’s the culmination of my years of experience as a licensed therapist.

Take control and make your emotions work for you, instead of you working for them.

This self-paced course will teach you:

  • The difference between emotions and feelings (did you know they’re different?)

  • How emotions are formed

  • What’s going on in your mind and body when you experience an emotion

  • Emotional suppression (that thing we do when we drink and binge watch Netflix)

  • The risks of feeling too much, too soon

  • Exactly how to feel your emotions - step by step

  • How to express your emotions (at home, at work, and by yourself)

  • How to identify your emotional support people

  • How to cope when things get hard

  • How to use your emotions to make you more productive, empathetic, and resilient

  • What to do when those therapist recommended coping skill aren’t working (it happens)

Each module includes:

  • Audio and text slides + video with Whitney

  • Worksheets and a guided exercise

  • Office hours with Whitney where you can ask questions and review the material

The course opens for everyone on April 9th at 9AM EST and there are only 200 spots. After the course sells out, it will no longer be available.

To get early access and a 10% discount, sign up for the course waitlist here.

I can’t wait to see you in the course!

Whitney Goodman, LMFT


Whitney Goodman